Tag Archives: chalkboard labels

Organizing Paperwork


It’s the last day of May and officially the last day of Fall here in Australia.  It means to say that one more month to go and it will be the end of another financial year.  Hence, it’s that time of the year again to look back, how much you have earned, what have you accomplished, how much you have spent and what are your plans for the next financial year.  What is the best way to move forward?

Today, I start with the basic,organizing our paperwork!  To be paperless at this stage is still inevitable for us.

My husband just recently got a new job in a much better company and hence, he has the hard copy of the induction manual.  Me and my son have been attending open days of Universities because we want to start early in exploring the possibilities for his career pathway, so we’ve been collecting brochures as well.  These are only few in addition to the hundreds of paperwork which just keep on coming plus the documents which are significant to our lives, like birth certificates, citizenship certificates and a lot more.

To get organized, I decided to get more hard plastic sheets, folders and dividers, chalkboard labels and A4 size paper ( for printing ). Then I sort the papers,  categorize them and of course label them.


Afterwards, I came up with these:


I have 5 folders including the monthly organizer I have done before and have shown you in one of my post entitled “ Simple Monthly Organization

In addition to my existing folder, I added more folders like this:



In this folder I am now keeping everything pertinent to our current jobs like letter of offer, contracts, induction manuals and others.



car bank

In this folder I am keeping everything that has something to do with our cars and banks. This contain our car registrations, insurances, service records and communication from our bank institutions.


Since my son is already in his senior year, another 2.5 years and he will be in the University and therefore, I decided to make a folder for him. He can use it to place information booklets about Universities and courses as he tries to select the best option for him.


Lastly but not the least, the folder which keeps all the very important papers for the three of us.  Our birth and baptismal certificates are here, marriage contract, Australian citizenship certificates and others.

I’ve labelled it as ” Important Documents”. This folder has more reminders too.  It says:

You keep what is significant

You keep what you need

You keep what is useful and

You CAN’T keep what you just like or love!

There you go my dear friends and followers, my way of ending the season correctly.


God bless,




Organised Pantry


Kitchen surely is very important to all us, it is where we prepare and cook our food.  Hence, pantry plays a very important role because it is where we get some of our cooking and baking stuff.

Let’s have a look at some organised pantries which I adore:



Now let me show you my very own: org pantry

I have actually 2 small pantries and the other one is work in progress since I need to buy more trays from the hot dollar shop. I am so delighted that it only cost me $24.00 to push through with this simple organisation and was done only in several minutes. For those of  you who want to organize your pantry, you need the following:



2.chalkboard labels  ( I just love chalkboard )

chalkboard labels

What I love about these, they are so easily be positioned on plastic trays and since it’s chalkboard, you are allowed to change your mind and re-label straight away

tray with lable

Once again, let me show you ( from another angle ) my small but organised pantry

My pantry organmised

Hope you find organizing enjoyable like I do.

God bless,


Linked to: http://www.abowlfulloflemons.net/
